Rice Purity Test for 14 Years Old

This is a new and unofficial version of the Rice Purity Test with a set of unique quizzes suitable for users 14 years old or even younger and older. Want to know how pure you are? Start the test now; choose the Yes or No answer based on your experiences!

ATTENTION: This test and everything related to it are solely for fun and entertainment. Do not take it seriously or even use its results to judge others. Also, please keep in mind that the test’s 20 quizzes aren’t a bucket list you need to complete to have a lower score.

Rice Purity Test for 14 Years Old

Your Rice Purity Test for 14 Years Old result:

rice purity result image

What is the Rice Purity Test for 14 Years Old?

First, though the test is named “Rice Purity Test for 14 Years Old,” it’s not the official test originating from Rice University. Instead, it’s a variant of the Rice Purity Test designed for youngsters. The test aims, of course, at measuring the degree of innocence or purity and life experiences of a youngster in a fun, non-judgmental, and informal way.

The test includes 20 yes-or-no quizzes that cover different topics, such as dating and sexual behavior. The score for the test is determined by subtracting the number of "yes" answers from 20. That means the highest possible for the test is 20, while the lowest is 0. The test also features a convenient Share button that allows you to share your purity test score with friends so easily. 

It’s worth noting that there is no wrong or right answer here. So do the test results, which simply reflect your personal experiences. Importantly, the test is not created based on scientific research, so it’s not an accurate measurement of someone’s morality and character.

Ready to explore how pure you are? Take the test now and share your score with friends, if you want.

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